A Flash of a second
A 2D digital animation senior film that I am working over a year in SCAD, from Pre-production to Post- production. The story is about a girl met a cat coincidentally in a storm night. They gained trust and became friends. I used Photoshop and AfterEffect to create this film.
I won 5 different awards such as Special Mention from Stop Motion Film Festival on Sept, 2021; Best Animation on 2020, from Fictional Film Festival 2nd Edition; Best Drama on 2019, from Four Season Film Festival; Best Animation on 2019, from The Best Film Animation; The Winner of the Jury Award for Best Animation on Dec 2018 from World Film Festival.
Credit for producer, director, layout artist, background painter and designer, animator, special effect artist, compositor.
Irma's story
This is the part of the animation that I was responsible for creating and developing in this project. An outline animation with a photographic backdrop.
A collaborative project involving MA students from various fields, including game art, photography, sound and film. My role was to create an outline animation of Irma's story from the IWM collection, designed for
a multi-screen setup with surround sound. The project was completed over a three months period, from Oct 2023 and Jan 2024.
Rotoscope ballet dancer
This is a 2D digital Rotoscope collaborative project; created by Jessica Lam, Vivian Tsang, and Mandy Ng.
Murder Case
My final project of screen design class. It is more focus on color, layout and storytelling.
Winter Wanderland, SCAD CLC Project collaborate with FANCL
A 3D animation collaborative Film
Credit for technical support, visual effect artist, 3D environmental and atmospheric support.
D100 憑着信念主題曲 2D animation
D100 theme song animation
Credit for 2D animation